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International news

Budweiser oppose women-owned brewery's 'Queen of Beer' branding

22 July 2015

A Californian craft brewery patented the phrase in December but the beer giants have objected, saying it's 'virtually identical' to their own

Foster’s announce move away from ‘misogynistic marketing’

18 July 2015

The lager giants call time on their most successful advertising campaign featuring Aussie mates Brad and Dan and their silent girlfriends

Budweiser apologises for ‘missing the mark’ with ‘date-rape’ slogan

16 July 2015

The slogan, which read: "The perfect beer for removing 'no' from your vocabulary for the night" was met with fierce critisism

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brewsters, BrewDog, CAMRA, craft beer, feminism, festivals, GBBF, history, infographics, map, marketing, pub culture, real ale, sexism, sommelier, stereotypes

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